here are a lot of new and exciting things happening in “TAG WORLD”!
Steve is busy working on getting his charts drawn and prepared for a LifePlan for one of our clients.
That doesn’t distract him for enjoying several bites of his delicious salted caramel chocolate pie, that Dodie made him, BTW – chocolate is his favorite! Click HERE for the recipe for Steve’s birthday dessert if you are interested in making it yourself. Did we mention that it was his B I R T H D A Y on Monday!!!! We gave him a Very funny card and some black old man tube socks to go with this new year of life! (We like to tease)
On top of Life Plans, StratOps, The Joshua Survey, & Tag, – we are also working on redecorating the office… and being the man of the office… he is helping us build furniture, sell furniture and being awesome! We are so excited to share with you all the new changes happening in TAG WORLD!
The first thing that had to go was the big desk in the front of the office which was purchased in the early 2000′s. It left the 75 office on a UHAUL and went to a good home! The new desk has received a lot of positive feedback.
Bye, Bye Old Desk…
Going.. Going.. Gone…
New Changes!
We are expanding our SOCIAL MEDIA accounts! Look for us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope and will be posting the occasional video on YouTube. We kept it easy for you by using “Tagmediaink” as our username for all of our Social Media accounts 🙂
Til next time.. Tag World